Mom is resting right now, and Grandma Germaine is down in the exercise room. Aysha and I are posting to the internet and re-organizing music files. I switched from MusicMatch to iTunes since I ordered an iPod yesterday. Ever since Lianne was here with hers, my curiosity about them has been stoked. I had been watching them on eBay for a week since Valentine's Day, but then Apple introduced a new line with better battery life, the ability to link directly to digital cameras and a lower price.
Yesterday we visited the Tareq Rajab museum, a private collection that a dedicated Kuwaiti keeps in his basement. He has amassed a huge collection of Islamic art, jewelery, clothing, instruments and weapons. It is the largest collection of art in the country. During the Iraqi invasion, he protected it by building a false wall while the National Museum was being emptied.
Here are the photos. Happy viewing! Honourable mention goes to the Hide family for providing Aysha her assortment of moose-themed clothing.

Moosegirl to the rescue!


Aysha and Grandma Germaine

Aysha with windows in her eyes.